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In most computer programming languages, a while loop is a control flow statement that allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a given boolean condition. The while loop can be thought of as a repeating if statement. -- Wikipedia Tutorials for Beginners and ProfessionalsPlace of Tutorials for Beginners and Professionals: Here you can learn Computer Programming languages, C, C++, C#, SQL, Java, Android, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, and more.
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Java Custom exception - W3schoolsJava custom exception example: You can define your own exception also. These exceptions are known as custom exceptions.
Java Package class - W3schoolsPackage class in java: Package class provides the information about a package like package name, implementation title etc.
Java String charAt() Method - W3schoolsJava string charat example: Returns the char value at the specified index. Syntax: public char charAt(int index)
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